Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lessons for a Lifetime

Power of Girls participants had a great time last Saturday at this ninth event hosted through a partnership between Women's Fund, The Julian Center, and Indianapolis Power & Light (for more information, click here to go to Ann Murtlow's recent blog post, or here to go to our website).

What did participants learn at Power of Girls? How were they impacted? So many of the "take aways" from this program go well beyond the day of the event... and even the responses we received that day are pretty powerful! Here are reflections from both girl and adult attendees:

"What one thing sticks in your mind from the Healthy Relationships session?

  • "How, when I was in two abusive relationships that the cycle would go again and again, and how I can recognize the signs." - Local 13-year-old girl

"Do you feel that your participation today has made a difference in the life of your daughter?"

  • "I think the participation in today's event has made my daughter more aware of women's needs in the community and the lessons learned in the healthy relationships seminar will make a strong difference in her life; it will open doors for healthy relationships now and in the future." - Mother attending with her 14-year-old

"What was the most valuable part of the day for you?"

  • "Seeing my daughter be a part of the process to learn of needs and experience the process of allocating donations." - Mother attending with her 15-year-old

"Do you feel you made a difference in the lives of others today? How?"

  • "Just seeing the happiness and joy of the mothers and children (at the Julian Center) made you feel like you accomplished something great." - Ninth grade girl

Do you know someone who could benefit from this meaningful program focused on learning about healthy relationships, needs of the central Indiana community, and philanthropy? Our next event will be in 2010; contact me at abigailc@cicf.org if you would like us to send you information!

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