Thursday, January 28, 2010

Unemployment Impacts Women

Unemployment is an issue we see frequently in the headlines. In the last 18 months or so, as much as ever, it has served as a indicator of economic recovery. Many of us know someone who has been unemployed and the resulting challenges; or, we have at least heard stories that hit close to home.

Last week, the December statistics were released for unemployment. In Indiana, the rate has stayed steady at 9.6 percent, while nationally the rate is 10 percent. Unemployment in this time is directly impacting men more than ever, and women are more frequently the only income provider for their household. Specific groups of women are also being hard hit, as the competition for jobs increases.

When visiting one of Women's Fund's grantees last year, I found out that the typical woman they served had changed; more women with advanced degrees and polished resumes were seeking services to do whatever they could to gain employment.

An article from November, 2009 points out that unmarried women, as well as younger women and women with less education are harder hit in the job market right now. When these challenges are compounded by the fact that women working full time and year round in central Indiana earn 74% of a man's earnings, women in our community have an even greater disadvantage.

What will help? Thankfully, in central Indiana there are organizations like Training Inc., Business Ownership Initiative, and Dress for Success Indianapolis helping women position themselves to be successful and employed. I'm grateful for these services to women in our community, and proud of Women's Fund's support of these organizations.

1 comment:

  1. this is my first come to your blog,and i read agood information that you put in here..good job i like it
    keep going thanks.
