But, do you know who is doing all of this work? Certainly our full-time staff of three and four consultants are not doing all the heavy-lifting. Rather, it is an incredible group of volunteers who make it possible. We have an Advisory Board of 27 women and men who fit Women's Fund in as an important part of their civic priorities, we have 210 women
who have participated/are participating in our OPTIONS/Alumnae program. And, many community volunteers who participate on our Finance, Grants, and Resource Development Committees.
This morning was an amazing example of the commitment of volunteers to action. We have just finished a six-year endowment campaign; typical organizations find burned-out volunteers and donors at the end of such a difficult task. Women's Fund had seventeen volunteers who gathered to talk about the next phase of fund raising and helping grow our endowment to $20 million. Seventeen women who have made a commitment to help us make new friends, ask for contributions, and help thank our generous donors.
We had eleven different volunteers who went on a site visit during lunch to learn more about one of our grantee organizations. Eleven women who gave up their lunch hour to see first-hand the difference Women's Fund is making for women trying to learn new job skills and find a well-paying job. Eleven women dedicated to telling the story of Women's Fund to our friends, prospects, and donors.
We are truly grateful for the many volunteers who stand with us every day to help improve conditions for women and girls in central Indiana. The impact of their commited support is significant and will help leave a lasting legacy for central Indiana women and girls.
Great article and good work! I am staff member in one of the organizations that works to help women and overcome them various problems that they may face. It is good to know that we are not alone :)