My co-facilitator and I made great progress with the girls. With the support of Girls Inc. and school staff, we built trust, and saw girls open up around the activities and topics. We challenged their understanding of beauty, and took advantage of many teachable moments.
Some of my favorite moments from the program were:
- One girl came to us defensive and highly confrontational. When presenting her commercial, she acknowledged that people do not get to know her, and she suggested this might be different if she changed her tone of voice and behavior. This was great progress! She acknowledged a challenge she faced, the girls saw her own up to it, and the group validated her for sharing her feelings and reinforced the beautiful and unique person she is.
- Another girl was considerate and shy. When it came to writing her commercial, she shared about a (non-contagious) disease she had. While in some settings, she might have wanted to hide it, in Girls Inc. we had an accepting environment where she felt comfortable owning her disease and sharing about it with her peers.
- During one session, we had a discussion about how to respond to someone who criticizes outward appearances. The girls had wonderful, thoughtful ideas, such as: "Say something nice about her in return." "Ignore the comment." "Think about something you do well (inner beauty) and share why you are proud of it."